
Dental Implant Surgery Recovery FAQs

Transforming your smile with dental implants is exciting. So much so, that patients often forget some of the post-operative information their periodontist gives them. Fortunately, you will receive a set of written instructions when you leave the office that will serve as an excellent resource for you. There are, however, questions that nearly everyone asks when getting dental implants in Chester, NJ, which have been answered below.

6 Most Common Questions after Dental Implants

1. Will it be painful? Placing dental implants into the jaw is not the source of discomfort. Work performed on soft tissue or dental extractions can cause tenderness. Most patients are happy with over-the-counter pain relievers.

2. Will I have stitches? Yes, the soft tissue over the dental implants will require stitches. They may be removed in-office or dissolve on their own.

3. When can I eat? Ideally, you could eat soft foods after an hour or so. For the first hour after placing your dental implants, there will be gauze covering the surgical site. This is in place to minimize bleeding and if bleeding is minimal, you should be able to remove the gauze and eat soft foods at mild temperatures. For the first 24 hours, you should avoid agitating the area so you will not use straws. Definitely, no smoking.

4. Can I drive myself home? If you receive oral or IV sedation for multiple dental implants will need a companion to drive you home.

5. Is bleeding normal? Your periodontist will place gauze at the site of the dental implants, which you will bite down on for an hour after surgery. There may be some light bleeding for up to 72 hours. If it is heavy, you should wrap a moistened tea bag in fresh gauze on the area and bite down, for roughly an hour. In the event that does not resolve it, you should call your doctor.

6. Can I brush? Not for the first 24 hours. A salt water rinse is recommended every few hours to encourage healing after dental implants. Be careful not to make an exaggerated spitting motion.

If you are getting dental implants, be sure to keep your recovery instructions handy and call your periodontist with any questions. For more information about dental implants in Chester, NJ, schedule a consultation with Dr. Thomas A. Bissell.


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